Friday, 24 September 2021

The Best Treatment for ADHD in Ipoh

  Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Neural developmental disorders that cause attention problems, impulsive behavior (can be done without needing what the outcome is), or being overactive.



1. Difficulty to focus.

2. Extreme emotions.

3. Hyperactive.



1. Genetics.

2. Imbalanced biochemistry in the brain.

3. Exposed to chemicals substances.



1. Experiencing academic and employment issues

2. Low self -confidence

3. Avoid social situations



1. Psychotherapy

2. Counseling

3. Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic (NLP) Programming

4. Medicine


Wong Medical Center provides treatment for ADHD. For more information, please call 0124520077/053114022

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