Monday, 2 July 2018

What is Neurotransmitter?

Hi guys, have you guys heard of neurotransmitter before? Do you have wonder before how our body parts communicate or transfer messages to each other?
Actually neurotransmitter have playing a major role in our body. Neurotransmitter also a major factor that contributed to some of the issues happen to our body and mental.
So, today let’s Wong Medical Center introduce to you guys, what is neurotransmitter.
Firstly, we have known that inside our body have a lot of neuron. A neuron is a specialized nerve cell that receives, processes, and transmits information to other cells in the body.
neurotransmitter is a chemical messengers released by a neuron that either amplifies or inhibits the transmission of signals between neurons.
Conclusion is neuron receives, processes, and transmits informationneurotransmitter amplifies or inhibits the transmission of signals between neurons
After reading this, do you guys have learned something about neurotransmitter?
Tomorrow, we will continue discuss about neurotransmitter more deeply, stay tuned.
For more information, kindly call us at 05-3114022/012-4520077 for more details. Thank you.

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