Friday, 11 February 2022

The Best Treatment for Insomnia in Ipoh




A common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep.


1. Difficulty falling asleep at night.

2. Waking up during the night or too early.

3. Daytime tiredness or sleepiness.


1. Stress

2. An irregular sleep schedule

3. Medications


1. Lower performance on the job or at school.

2. Slowed reaction time

3. Mental health disorders, such as depression, an anxiety disorder


1. Psychotherapy

2. Counseling

3. Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

4. Meditation and Mindfulness


Our medical centre provides treatment for insomnia. For more information, please call 0124520077/053114022

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失眠可能是暂时性的,也可能是慢性的。短期失眠通常与压力、焦虑、生活变化等因素相关,而长期失眠则可能是由疾病、情绪问题(如抑郁症)、生活习惯不良等引起。欢迎致电 012-4520077 或 05-3114022 了解更多。 #失眠 #睡眠障碍 #压力 #焦虑 #抑郁 #情绪管理 #...