Wednesday, 22 September 2021

The Best Treatment for Addictive Behavior in Ipoh

Addictive Behavior


A behavior, or a stimulus related to a behavior (e.g., sex or food), that is both rewarding and reinforcing, and is associated with the development of an addiction.



1. Spending the majority of your time engaging in the behavior

2. Continuing despite physical and/or mental harm

3.  Minimizing or hiding the extent of the problem



1. Peer pressure

2. Family history of addiction

3. Reward or satisfaction upon engaging in the behavior



1. Depression

2. Health problems

3. Disrupt social life



1. Psychotherapy

2. Counseling

3. Hypnosis and neuro linguistic programming (NLP)


Wong Medical Centre provide treatment for addictive behavior. For more information, please call 0124520077/053114022

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