Friday 6 July 2018

Factors Causing Neurotransmitters Imbalances: Sleep Disturbance

Good afternoon to all. Today, we, Wong Medical Centre, will continue introduce the last factors that will causing our neurotransmitters imbalances.
Nowadays, sleeping time is one of the hot topics that concern by the people. Most people nowadays have not enough sleep due to their busy daily schedule.
If we have not enough sleep, it will causing our body hard to restore and balance our body system thus causing neurotransmitters imbalances.
Therefore, we have to plan a well schedule for ourselves to ensure have enough sleep time.
Tomorrow, we continue to discuss what are the SYMPTOMS of neurotransmitters imbalances, stay tuned.

For more information, kindly call us at 05-3114022/012-4520077 for more details. Thank you.

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