Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Rawatan Terbaik bagi Ketagihan di Ipoh


Ketagihan adalah keadaan otak yang kompleks dan kronik yang dipengaruhi oleh gen dan persekitaran yang dicirikan oleh penggunaan bahan atau tindakan kompulsif yang berterusan walaupun terdapat akibat yang berbahaya.


  1. Menghabiskan sebahagian besar masa untuk terlibat dalam tingkah laku, memikirkan atau mengatur untuk terlibat dalam tingkah laku itu.
  2. Mengalami masalah untuk berhenti
  3. Mengabaikan kerja, sekolah, atau keluarga untuk melakukan tingkah laku dengan lebih kerap


  1. Otak: Ketagihan membawa kepada perubahan dalam rangkaian ganjaran otak dari masa ke masa.
  2. Sejarah keluarga: Lebih cenderung ketagih jika mempunyai ahli keluarga yang juga mempunyai ketagihan
  3. Persekitaran: Pendedahan kepada bahan ketagihan, tekanan sosial, kurangnya sokongan sosial, dan kemahiran mengatasi yang buruk juga dapat menyumbang kepada perkembangan ketagihan.

  1. Masalah Kewangan
  2. Masalah Keluarga
  3. Bunuh Diri


  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  2. Ubat-ubatan
  3. Hipnosis

Wong Medical Centre menyediakan rawatan bagi masalah ketagihan ini. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi 05-3114022 / 012-4520077. Terima kasih.

#ketagihan #tingkahlakuketagihan #penyakitmental #kesihatanmental #kaunseling #psikoterapi #ipohperak #wongmedicalcentre #rawatanuntukketagihan

The Best Treatment for Panic Disorder in Ipoh


Definition: Panic disorder occurs when you experience recurring unexpected panic attacks. Panic attacks are abrupt surges of intense fear or discomfort that peak within minutes. People with the disorder live in fear of having a panic attack. Symptoms: 1. Racing heartbeats or palpitations 2. Shortness of breath 3. Lightheadedness Causes: 1. Genetics: A family member may have panic disorder which could have led to you having it. 2. Significant transitions that occur in life: Leaving for college or getting married are all major life transitions that may create stress and lead to the development of panic disorder. Complications: 1. Development of specific phobias, such as fear of driving or leaving your home. 2. Avoidance of social situations. 3. Depression, anxiety disorders and other psychiatric disorders. Treatments: 1. Counselling 2. Neuro-linguistic Programing (NLP) 3. Hypnosis Wong Medical Centre provides counselling for Panic Disorder. For more information, please call us at 05-3114022 or 012-4520077. #panicdisorder #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #wongmedicalcentre #ipohperak #psychotherapy #counselling #counsellingforpanicdisorder

The Best Treatment for Personality Disorder in Ipoh


Personality Disorder


A type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving.


There are 3 clusters of personality disorder based on their similarities of their symptoms

Cluster A

Cluster B

Cluster C

·         Paranoid PD

·         Schizoid PD

·         Schizotypal PD

·         Antisocial PD

·         Borderline PD

·         Histrionic PD

·         Narcissistic PD

·         Avoidant PD

·         Dependent PD

·         Obsessive-Compulsive PD


1.      Lack of interest in social or personal relationships

2.      Angry or hostile reaction to perceived slights or insults

3.      Flat emotions or inappropriate emotional responses


1.      Persistent lying, stealing, using aliases, conning others

2.      Constantly seeking attention

3.      Fantasies about power, success and attractiveness


1.      Too sensitive to criticism or rejection

2.      Excessive dependence on others and feeling the need to be taken care of

3.      Rigid and stubborn



1. Genes. Certain personality traits may be passed on to you by your parents through inherited genes

2. Environment. This involves the surroundings you grew up in, events that occurred, and relationships with family members and others.

3. Abusive, unstable or chaotic family life during childhood.


1. Social isolation

2. Alcohol or drug abuse

3. Failure in the relationship



1. Psychotherapy

2. Counseling

3. Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)


Wong Medical Centre provides treatment for personality disorder. For more information, please call 0124520077/053114022

#counseling #personality disorder #ipohperak #wongmedicalcentre #psychotherapy #mentalillness #treatmentforpersonalitydisorder #psychology #kaunseling #kecelaruanpersonaliti #psikoterapi #penyakitmental #rawatanuntukmasalahpersonalitydisorder #psikologi

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

The Best Treatment for Intermittent explosive disorder (Anger disorder) in Ipoh



A repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation.


1. Rage.

2. Irritability.

3. Increased energy.


1. Environment. Most people with this disorder grew up in families where explosive behavior and verbal and physical abuse were common.

2. Genetics. There may be a genetic component, causing the disorder to be passed down from parents to children.

3. Differences in how the brain works. There may be differences in the structure, function and chemistry of the brain in people with intermittent explosive disorder compared to people who don't have the disorder.


1. Job loss

2. Trouble with the law

3. Failure in the relationship


1. Psychotherapy

2. Counseling

3. Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

4. Meditation and Mindfulness


Our medical centre provides treatment for Intermittent explosive disorder (Anger disorder). For more information, please call 0124520077/053114022

#counseling #intermittentexplosivedisorder #IED #angerdisorder #ipohperak #wongmedicalcentre #psychotherapy #mentalillness #treatmentforIED #psychology #kaunseling #masalahkemarahan #psikoterapi #penyakitmental #rawatanuntukmasalahIED #psikologi

怡保急性应激障碍的最佳治疗方法 (ACUTE STRESS DISORDER)




急性应激障碍与创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD)





1. 严重的焦虑

2. 噩梦

3. 闪回

4. 无法控制的想法(关于事件)



1. 创伤事件

2. 性格(气质)

3. 神经递质



1. 其他精神障碍(抑郁症和焦虑症)


3. 物质滥用

4. 关系问题

5. 自杀念头



1. 药物(抗抑郁药)

2. 咨询

3. 催眠


黄氏医疗中心提供急性压力症的治疗。如需更多信息,请联系 05-3114022 012-4520077

#急性应激障碍 #急性应激障碍的治疗 #心理治疗 #辅导 #催眠 #黄氏医疗中心 #怡保霹雳

The Best Treatment for Hallucinations in Ipoh


Definition: Hallucinations are defined as the "perception of a nonexistent object or event" and "sensory experiences that are not caused by stimulation of the relevant sensory organs." Symptoms: 1. Feeling sensations in the body (such as a crawling feeling on the skin or movement). 2. Hearing voices (can include positive or negative voices, such as a voice commanding you to harm yourself or others). 3. Hearing sounds (such as music, footsteps, or banging of doors). Causes: 1. Being drunk or high, or coming down from such drugs like marijuana, LSD, cocaine. 2. Dementia: Visual hallucinations are common. 3. Schizophrenia: All type of hallucinations is common. Complications: 1. Seizures 2. Vision problems 3. Deafness Treatments: 1. Counselling 2. Neuro-linguistic Programing 3. Hypnosis Wong Medical Centre provides counselling for Hallucinations. For more information, please call us at 05-3114022 or 012-4520077.

#hallucinations #mentalhealthawareness #wongmedicalcentre #ipohperak #psychotherapy #mentalillness #counsellingforhallucinations



Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) adalah keadaan kesihatan mental yang berlaku akibat pengalaman yang memberi tekanan kepada seseorang.



1. Gelisah (anxiety)

2. Mimpi ngeri

3. Sering terfikir akan situasi tertekan tersebut



1. Pengalaman mengerikan/yang memberi tekanan

2. Personaliti (cara penerimaan terhadap sesuatu situasi)

3. Neurotransmitter



1. Gangguan mental yang lain (gangguan kemurungan dan kegelisahan)

2. Kurang kualiti hidup

3. Penyalahgunaan alkohol dan dadah

4. Masalah dalam hubungan

5. Bunuh diri



1. Ubat

2. Psikoterapi

3. Kaunseling

4. Hipnosis


Wong Medical Center menyediakan rawatan untuk Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi 05-3114022 atau 012-4520077.

#posttraumaticstressdisorder #PTSD #rawatanuntukPTSD #kaunseling #hipnosis #wongmedicalcentre #ipohperak

Monday, 28 June 2021

怡保社交障碍的最佳治疗方法 (Social Disorder)


社会混乱 (Social Disorder)





1. 恶心或感觉恶心

2. 出汗。

3. 说话困难。



1. 生物因素

2. 遗传因素

3. 环境因素



1. 低自信心

2. 社交能力差

3. 缺乏学术/事业成就



1. 心理治疗

2. 心理辅导

3. NLP治疗


黄氏医疗中心提供社交焦虑症的治疗服务。如需更多信息,请联系我们 0124520077 /053114022

#counseling #socialanxietydisorder #socialdisorder #ipohperak #wongmedicalcentre #psychotherapy #mentalillness #treatmentforsocialdisorder #psychology #kaunseling #psikoterapi #penyakitmental #rawatanuntukmasalahsocialdisorder #psikologi

幻觉的最佳治疗方法 Ipoh



幻觉是看似真实但由您的思想创造的感官体验。 它们可以影响您的所有五种感官。 例如,您可能会听到房间内其他人都听不到或看到不真实图像的声音。


  1. 在没有人说话时听到声音(最常见的幻觉类型)。 这些声音可能是积极的、消极的或中性的。 他们可能会命令某人做一些可能对自己或他人造成伤害的事情。
  2. 看到不存在的图案、光、生命或物体。
  3. 闻到一股臭味。


  1.  精神疾病(精神分裂症、痴呆和谵妄)
  2.  睡眠不足
  3. 药物(帕金森和抑郁症药物)


  1. 自杀
  2. 自残
  3. 人际关系复杂


  1. 药物
  2. 心理辅导
  3. 催眠

黄氏医疗中心为有幻觉问题的人提供治疗。 欲知详情,请致电 05-3114022/012-4520077

#幻觉 #心理健康 #精神疾病#心理辅导 #心理治疗 #ipohperak #wongmedicalcentre


The Best Treatment for Addictive Behaviour in Ipoh


Definition: Addictive behavior is defined as compulsive drug use, despite the negative physical and social consequences, and desire for effects other than pain relief. Symptoms: 1. Withdrawal: When people do not take the substance or engage in activities, they will have unpleasant symptoms. 2. Extreme mood changes-happiness, sadness, excitement, anxiety. 3. Sleep more or less than usual, or sleep at different times of the day or night. Causes: 1. Family history of addiction. 2. Mental health issues 3. Peer pressure to try addictive drugs may cause them to become addicted to it. Complications: 1. Overdose and death 2. Causes mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and mental illness. 3. Suicidal ideation Treatments: 1. Counselling 2. Neuro-linguistic Programing (NLP) 3. Hypnosis Wong Medical Centre provides counselling for Addictive Behavior. For more information, please call us at 05-3114022 or 012-4520077. #addictivebehavior #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #wongmedicalcentre #ipohperak #psychotherapy #counselling #counsellingforaddictivebehavior

 Every marriage has its ups and downs, but constant conflict, lack of communication, or emotional distance can signal deeper issues. Don’t l...