Tuesday 28 November 2017


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that usually appears in late adolescence or early adulthood. Characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and other cognitive difficulties, schizophrenia can often be a lifelong struggle.

Monday 20 November 2017

psychogenic amnesia

What is psychogenic amnesia?Psychogenic amnesia, also known as dissociative amnesia, is a memory disorder characterized by sudden retrograde episodic memory loss, said to occur for a period of time ranging from hours to years.Wong medical centre has provide a treatment for a psychogenic amnesia treatment. For more details and information kindly call us at 05-3114022 / 012-4520077 (Dr Wong Kim Fah)

Monday 13 November 2017


Hypochondriasis, which is now known as illness anxiety disorder, and the other somatic symptom disorders are among the most difficult and most complex psychiatric disorders to treat in the general medical setting.For more information,kindly call us at +05-3114022/012-4520077 for any inquiry.Thank You.


  Kegelisahan (Anxiety) Definisi: Perasaan takut atau bimbang yang melampau, walaupun terhadap perkara yang remeh atau mudah   Simpt...