Thursday, 14 September 2017

Dissociative Disorder

Here are some information regarding dissociative disorder.
For more information regarding this condition and our treatment for this condition kindly call us at 0124520077 , Dr Wong Kim Fah.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms.For more information,kindly call us at +05-3114022/012-4520077 for any inquiry.Thank You

Tuesday, 12 September 2017


For more information,kindly call us at +05-3114022/012-4520077 for any inquiry.Thank You
#psychotherapydepartment #familyproblem

分裂型人格障碍是一种人格障碍,主要表现为思维、感知、行为和人际交往方面的异常。它属于 A群人格障碍,通常与古怪、孤立的行为有关。欢迎致电 012-4520077 或 05-3114022 了解更多。 #分裂型人格障碍 #人格障碍 #孤立 #古怪行为 #人际交往 #怡保 #霹雳 W...